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LG Chem


2017-06-12 10:25
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韩国首尔--(美国商业资讯)--LG化学(KRX: 051910)成功接单埃及最大规模海水淡化项目,从而加快了对全球水处理市场的进军步伐。

Smart News Releases(智能新闻稿)是一个多媒体平台。在此处查看完整新闻稿: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170611005020/zh-CN/

LG化学称,全球水处理专门企业METITO公司被选为埃及建在贾拉拉(El Galalah)和塞得港(Port Said)的30万吨规模海水淡化工厂的独家供应RO膜元件厂商。



贾拉拉(El Galalah)地处的红海地区是全世界盐分浓度和水温最高的地方,为确保性能虽然有较为苛刻的要求事宜,但LG化学的RO膜元件较其他公司生产水质优秀到25%以上,并且能够确保节能等其优秀的技术能力领先于其他厂商。

LG化学在产业用RO膜元件市场通过向可口可乐(Coca Cola)、松下(Panasonic)等世界级企业供应产品从而加强了在全球市场的竞争力。还包括向韩国电力公社(KEPCO)在内的沙特舒艾拜(Shoaiba)发电站、巴西石油公司(Petrobras)及美国亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市(Arizona Scottsdale)的污水处理厂供应产品等向海内外各种产业领域扩大着供应领域。

另外,向中国、印度、中东等主要发展中地区扩大着家用RO膜元件销售市场,6月初还在亚洲最大规模的2017上海国际水展(Aquatech China 2017)出品了新产品。


LG化学水处理技术和RO膜元件相关信息可参考 www.LGwatersolutions.com


在 businesswire.com 上查看源版本新闻稿: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170611005020/zh-CN/



LG Chem
Chang Seon Park, +82-2-3773-1114

LG Chem (KRX: 051910) chosen as the sole supplier of Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes to a seawater desalination plant in Egypt with 300,000-ton capacity which Metito will build in El Galalah and Port Said. It is the largest desalination plant in the country which can provide fresh water to about 2 million people a day. Last year, LG Chem won an order from a plant in Oman with 250,000-ton capacity. LG Chem has supplied its products to world renowned companies in the industrial RO membrane market, raising its global competitiveness. (Graphic: Business Wire)

LG Chem (KRX: 051910) chosen as the sole supplier of Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes to a seawater desalination plant in Egypt with 300,000-ton capacity which Metito will build in El Galalah and Port Said. It is the largest desalination plant in the country which can provide fresh water to about 2 million people a day. Last year, LG Chem won an order from a plant in Oman with 250,000-ton capacity. LG Chem has supplied its products to world renowned companies in the industrial RO membrane market, raising its global competitiveness. (Graphic: Business Wire)
