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琦溫絲莉呈獻Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet限量版腕表將進行網上拍賣

2017-06-12 09:50
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巴黎, 法國 & 索伊米亞, 瑞士 -- (美國商業資訊) -- 著名瑞士鐘表品牌位於巴黎Saint-Honoré專賣店內, LONGINES優雅形象大使琦溫絲莉 (Kate Winslet) 正式揭示 Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet 腕表。這個以Kate Winslet 命名的系列將以極少量發行,當中三枚黃金腕表將進行網上慈善拍賣,有關收益將撥捐由她聯合創辦的慈善組織「金帽子基金會」(Golden Hat Foundation)

此 Smart News Release (智能新聞發佈)擁有多媒體功能。請到此處瀏覽完整新聞稿: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170610005049/zh-HK/

2017年6月10日星期六,位於巴黎Saint-Honoré 的LONGINES專賣店內,品牌優雅形象大使Kate Winslet 隆重呈獻一款全新限量版腕表:Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet 腕表,此表款配以 Flagship Heritage 軍旗復刻腕表 – 60周年紀念版1957-2017 同款表盤。

Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet腕表代表著品牌與「金帽子基金會」合作的成果;該基金會為Kate Winslet聯合創辦的慈善組織,致力為自閉症人士爭取平等機會。這位著名影后去年到訪品牌瑞士總部,為此限量版腕表選配表盤、表殼和表帶。五枚特別製作的黃金腕表均以Kate Winslet 命名。

編號2/5、3/5、4/5腕表將會以網上慈善拍賣為基金會籌款。拍賣將於2017年6月10日,歐洲中部夏令時間 (CEST)下午6時至2017年6月30日下午5時59分透過 https://www.longines.com/auction 舉行。而另外兩個編號的腕表將分別贈予琦溫絲莉和珍藏於品牌瑞士索伊米亞總部的LONGINES博物館內。



請前往 businesswire.com 瀏覽源版本: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170610005049/zh-HK/



LONGINES 查詢電話:(852) 2510 5154
傳藝公關廣告有限公司 (IPS)
May Wong / Cindy Chui / Haze Law, Tel.: (852) 2890 7330
E: may@ipshkg.com / cindy@ipshkg.com / haze@ipshkg.com

3 models of the Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet are being auctioned online for the benefit of The Golden Hat Foundation co-founded by the British actress. (Photo: Longines)

3 models of the Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet are being auctioned online for the benefit of The Golden Hat Foundation co-founded by the British actress. (Photo: Longines)

3 models of the Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet are being auctioned online for the benefit of The Golden Hat Foundation co-founded by the British actress. (Photo: Longines)

3 models of the Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet are being auctioned online for the benefit of The Golden Hat Foundation co-founded by the British actress. (Photo: Longines)

3 models of the Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet are being auctioned online for the benefit of The Golden Hat Foundation co-founded by the British actress. (Photo: Longines)

3 models of the Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet are being auctioned online for the benefit of The Golden Hat Foundation co-founded by the British actress. (Photo: Longines)

3 models of the Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet are being auctioned online for the benefit of The Golden Hat Foundation co-founded by the British actress. (Photo: Longines)

3 models of the Flagship Heritage by Kate Winslet are being auctioned online for the benefit of The Golden Hat Foundation co-founded by the British actress. (Photo: Longines)
