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New Diskeeper 2010 Receives "Compatible with Windows 7" Logo

2009-12-16 09:00
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Diskeeper Corporation, Innovator in Performance and Reliability technologies®, today announced that its newly launched performance software Diskeeper® 2010 has received the "Compatible with Windows 7" logo. The logo program aims to help customers make better purchase decisions by identifying products that successfully passed high standards of compatibility, reliability and performance for Windows 7. This status recognizes Diskeeper Corporation expertise in disk performance solutions and its impact in the technology marketplace.

All elite and business customers will also benefit from an additional complimentary license of Diskeeper 2010 for use on Windows XP Mode in order to facilitate Windows user's migration towards Windows 7.

Utilizing a new revolutionary technology called IntelliWriteTM, Diskeeper 2010 intelligently writes files to the disk to prevent up to 85 percent of fragmentation from occurring. Coupled with Diskeeper software's superior defragmentation technology, Diskeeper 2010 delivers a complete performance solution for every Windows system at every site, and goes far beyond what defragmentation alone can achieve.

Diskeeper 2010, now Compatible with Windows 7, provides state-of-the art technology to ensure Windows systems benefit from enhanced performance and reliability. To obtain a free trial version of Diskeeper 2010, visit www.diskeeper.com or call +44 (0) 1293 763 060 to speak to one of our representative.

About Diskeeper Corporation-Innovators in Performance and Reliability Technologies®:

CIOs, IT Managers and System Administrators of Global Fortune 1000 and Forbes 500 enterprises rely on Diskeeper software to provide unparalleled performance and reliability to their business laptops, desktops and servers. Diskeeper 2010 is the only product to prevent fragmentation before it happens. Diskeeper Corporation provides real-time data protection and real-time data recoveryTM with Undelete® data recovery software (www.undelete.com). By offering near-immediate boot up with HyperBoot technology, netbooks and laptops can power down without incurring the lost production other users experience when waiting for their systems to boot (www.diskeeper.com/hyperboot/). Further, InvisiTasking enables any process to run completely invisibly in the background, fully tapping the power of otherwise unused idle resources (www.invisitasking.com).

© 2009 Diskeeper Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Diskeeper, Undelete, IntelliWrite, InvisiTasking, real-time data protection and real-time data recovery and Innovators in Performance and Reliability Technologies are trademarks owned by Diskeeper Corporation. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.



Diskeeper Corporation
Colleen Toumayan, 818-771-1600